金融代写:Accounting & Finance代写,90+高分通过

会计和金融学位变得越来越流行,英国多达 25% 的全日制研究生 就读于相关课程。这种受欢迎程度来自许多会计和金融职业的高度专业化性质,对准备跟上持续发展、新流程、不断变化的市场和新兴技术的毕业生的需求量很大。

Accounting & Finance职位指南

 典型课程内容  审计 预算分析 经营策略 金融会计 财务报告 法务会计 信息系统 国际会计 宏观/微观经济学 管理会计 专业标准和道德 定量分析 风险管理 税务会计    高级衍生品 资产市场 行为金融 企业融资 经济学/计量经济学 金融数学 财务管理 金融市场 金融计划 金融工程 金融会计 财务报告 国际金融 私人产权 风险管理 风险投资  
职业潜力会计师(实习生、公众、专业和认证) 精算师 审计师 会计 预算分析师 信贷控制 财务顾问 财务审查员 法务会计师 工资管理员 风险评估员 税务顾问 司库  商业银行家 财务顾问 财务经理 金融交易员 对冲基金经理 保险主任 投资银行家 量化专家    
获得的关键技能定量技能 各种会计主题和技术的专业知识 GAAP(公认会计原则)的意识 会计监管问题的知识 对商业行业有深刻的理解了解行业惯例和原则 理论知识扎实 研究技能 沟通技巧 股票市场、贸易和投资知识 分析能力 理解和解释数字和统计数据的能力 正确业务实践的最新知识
资格类型本科水平: 会计学士(BAcc、BAcy 或 BAccty);会计文学学士(BA/ACC);会计学理学士 (BSc/ACC) 毕业等级: 会计硕士(MAcc 或 Mac);专业会计硕士(MPA、MPAc、MPAcc 或 MPAcy);会计理学硕士(MSA​​)本科水平: 金融文学士(BA/F);金融学学士 (BSc/F)  毕业等级: 金融理学硕士(MSF);金融硕士(M.Fin);金融经济学硕士(MFE);应用金融硕士(MAF)
专业认证CPA  (注册会计师 – 美国) ACA/CA  (特许会计师——英国和英联邦) ACCA(特许公认会计师 – 英国)CFA  (特许金融分析师); CTP  (注册财资专家); CPRM  (认证专业风险经理); CF(企业财务资格); CVA  (注册估值分析师); CQF  (量化金融证书)
薪资潜力美国本科会计毕业生的平均起薪(2019年数据):  57,511美元 美国研究生平均起薪:  69,605美元 PayScale 的薪资潜力专业排名 第129位美国金融专业的平均起薪(2019 年数据):  58,464 美元 美国研究生平均起薪: 74,201美元 PayScale 的薪资潜力专业排名第63位

Accounting & Finance 代写案例,92+高分通过

Question 1

Trecor Co plans to buy a new machine to meet expected demand for a new product, Product T. This machine will cost $250,000 and last for four years, at the end of which time it will be sold for $5,000. Trecor Co expects demand for Product T to be as follows:

Demand (units)35,00040,00050,00025,000

The selling price for Product T is expected to be $12.00 per unit and the variable cost of production is expected to be $7.80 per unit. Incremental annual fixed production overheads of $25,000 per year will be incurred. Selling price and costs are all in current price terms.

Selling price and costs are expected to increase as follows:

Selling price of Product T per year3%
Variable cost of production per year4%
Fixed production overheads per year6%

Other information

Trecor Co has a real cost of capital of 5.7% and pays tax at an annual rate of 30% one year in arrears. It can claim capital allowances on a 25% reducing balance basis. General inflation is expected to be 5% per year.

Trecor Co has a target return on capital employed of 20%. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis over the life of an asset.


  • Calculate the net present value of buying the new machine (round to the nearest $1,000).
  • Calculate equivalent annual cost (EAC) of this project, if we assume the project will last for four years.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of internal rate of return in appraising capital investments.

Question 2

Droxfol Co is a listed company. The current ordinary share price is $5 per share. In total, Droxfol Co has 5 million shares outstanding. An ordinary dividend of $50 cents per share has just been paid and dividends are expected to increase by 2% per year for the foreseeable future. Droxfol Co pays tax on profits at the rate of 30%. Droxfol Co has $25 million debt with interest rate of 8%.


  • Calculate the current weighted average cost of capital of Droxfol Co.
  • Calculate Droxfol’s unlevered cost of equity capital using M&M Proposition II with taxes.

Philips Co wants to acquire Droxfol, the expected return of equity of Droxfol after the M&A will be lower, so the shareholders don’t want Droxfol to be acquired. Advise on which tools can be used to avoid being taken over.


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