面向对象代写:Object Oriented Design FIT2099

面向对象设计 (OOD) 是使用面向对象的方法来设计计算系统或应用程序的过程。这种技术可以实现基于对象概念的软件解决方案。

在面向对象的系统设计和开发中,OOD 有助于设计系统架构或布局——通常在完成面向对象分析 (OOA) 之后。设计的系统随后使用基于面向对象的技术和/或面向对象的编程语言 (OOPL) 创建或编程。

OOD 过程将概念系统模型、用例、系统关系模型、用户界面 (UI) 和其他分析数据作为 OOA 阶段的输入。这在 OOD 中用于识别、定义和设计系统类和对象,以及它们的关系、接口和实现。


  • 面向对象分析


  • 面向对象设计



  • 面向对象的实现和测试


Object Oriented Design FIT2099代写实例


You have joined a team that is working on a fully-featured version of the Star Wars game, complete with a graphical user interface, for commercial release. It’s planned to re-use the engine code (which has gained 3 lot of new features, including GUI support) for similar games in the future. The game runs reasonably well, but when you look at the engine code you discover that it contains a lot of “cut-and-paste reuse” – that is, repeated similar sequences of code, sometimes with a few very small changes.

a) Why do software engineers consider repeated code to be a bad thing? Write a paragraph or two about the risks of cut-and-paste reuse.

b) Describe how you would go about fixing the code to reduce these risks.


In mathematics, an integer is a number that is the member of the set {…,-2, -1, 0,1, 2,…}

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not 0.

Trivially, any integer x can be unambiguously expressed as a rational number x/1, so any integer is also a rational number.

Imagine you wished to define two classes, mylnteger and myRational, that (initially) support the following operations:

• Constructing new objects with an initial value

• Incrementing the value by the value of another mylnteger or myRational object. Consider two class diagrams below that show proposed inheritance relationships between mylnteger and myRational


a) In a couple of paragraphs, explain the advantages and disadvantages of both proposal A and proposal B, considering the design principles relating to inheritance discussed in FIT2099.

b) Propose an alternative design that avoids the disadvantages of both proposal A and proposal B. Draw a class diagram to illustrate it, and explain clearly how your proposal would implement the required operation.


Consider the following Java source code implementing a Unit class for a system similar to JavaUniversity 
from your labs: 
 * Represents a Unit at the university. 
 * @author Robert Merkel 
public class Unit { 
 // the unit name 
 private String name; 
 // a list of assessments for this unit 
 // invariant: the weight of all the assessments in this list must ALWAYS sum to 
 private ArrayList<Assessment> assessments; 
   * @param name the unit name 
   * @param code the unit code 
   * @param assessments the assessments for this unit. Their weights must sum to 
exactly 100. 
   * @throws Exception if the assessment weights do not sum to 100. 
 public Unit(String name, String code, Collection<Assessment> assessments) throws 
Exception { 
    this.name = name; 
    int totalweight = 0; 
    for(Assessment a: assessments) { 
   totalweight += a.getWeight(); 
    if (totalweight  = 100) { 
   throw(new Exception("Assessment weights do not sum to 100")); 
    this.assessments = new ArrayList<Assessment>(assessments); 
   * Simple getter for unit name 
   * @return the unit name 
 public String getName() { 
    return name; 
   * Simple getter for the list of assessments 
   * @return the assessment lists 
 public ArrayList<Assessment>getAssessments() { 
    return assessments; 


Assignment Exmaple

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