程序员将首先使用代码编辑器或 IDE 编写所谓的源代码。这是用其他程序员可以阅读的编程语言编写的代码集合。源代码需要转换成机器语言,这样机器才能理解指令并执行程序。将源代码转换为机器语言的过程称为编译。
- Python
- JavaScript
- C/C++
- Java
- C#
- Ruby
其中一些语言主要用于一个开发领域,而另一些则是更通用的编程语言。JavaScript 主要用于 Web 开发,通常是初学者 Web 开发人员学习的第一种编程语言。JavaScript 也可用于移动和游戏开发。Python 可用于各种领域,如数据分析、机器学习和 Web 开发。
机器语言——一种由 0 和 1(二进制)组成的低级语言。高级语言被编译成机器代码,因此代码可以由计算机执行。
程序语言——这种方法在计算机上执行程序之前要经过一系列程序。(例如,Go 和 Julia)
脚本语言——这些语言通常不需要编译而是解释。解释意味着解释器将读取并执行代码,而不是编译成机器代码。(例如,JavaScript 和 PHP)
函数式语言——这适用于通过一组较小的函数来构建复杂程序的想法。(例如,Haskell 和 Scala)
面向对象的语言——这适用于围绕对象集合构建程序的想法。(例如,Java 和 Python)
(1) 我们代写价格合理
(2) 准时守时,高效沟通
我们严格遵守due time,保证准时完成,并且您可以和老师直接沟通,对项目了解的更清楚。
(3) 名校导师,质量有保证
(4) 完善的售后流程
Programming in the Large CSSE2002代写案例
Question 1
(a)Make the below a declaration of a constant
int maximum = 100
(b) The code below compiles and works correctly, but has several stylistic errors. Fix the code. Do not writecomments.
public class aclass {
public static int M(int N) {
int x = 0;
for(int i = 1;
(N%i==0)x=x+1;return x;
(c) What is printed out by this program?
public static void absArray(int [ ] a) {
for (int i = 0; i <a.length; i++)
if (a[i] <0)
a[i] = -1 * a[i];
public static void main(String [ ] args) {
int [ ] values = {1, 3, -2, 0, -10, 9};
for (int i = 0; i <values.length; i++)
System.out.println(”values[” + i + ”] = ” + values[i]);
} (d) What is printed out by this program? (Note, this code deliberately uses meaningless names.
Question 2
The code below defines a simple Person class.
public class Person {
private String name;
public Person(String n) {name = n; }
public String getName() {return name; }
public void setName(String n) {name = n ; }
The intention is for it to be a class invariant that only legal characters are used in a person’s name, as definedby the method below to be included in class Person.
public static boolean legalNameCharacter(char c) {
return ’a’ <=c && c <=’z’ k
’A’ <=c && c <=’Z’ k
c == ’-’ kc == ’ ’;
Assume the existence of this class:
class:public class IllegalNameException extends Exception { }
Write a modified person class declaring and enforcing this invariant. Address (a), (b), and (c) together in asingle revised declaration of Person.
- Add Javadoc comments describing the invariant. Do not write comments for other parts of the code.
- Show how to use the legalNameCharacter method to enforce the invariant. You may include additionalhelper methods with appropriate access modifiers.
- Show how to use IllegalNameException if using illegal characters in a name is attempted.
IllegalNameException overrides nothing from class Exception, yet it is still useful to write. Explain brieflywhy this is so.