CS代考:Algorithm and Data Structure Analysis COMPSCI 2201

数据结构是一种收集和组织数据的方式,以便我们可以有效地对这些数据执行操作。数据结构是关于根据某种关系呈现数据元素,以便更好地组织和存储。例如,我们有一些数据,玩家的名字“Virat”和年龄26。这里“Virat”是字符串数据类型,26 是整数数据类型。


正如我们上面所讨论的,任何可以存储数据的东西都可以称为数据结构,因此 Integer、Float、Boolean、Char 等都是数据结构。它们被称为原始数据结构。






  1. 输入- 应该有 0 个或多个从外部提供给算法的输入。
  2. 输出- 应该至少获得 1 个输出。
  3. 确定性——算法的每一步都应该清晰明确。
  4. 有限性——算法应该有有限的步数。
  5. 正确性——算法的每一步都必须生成正确的输出。


  • 时间复杂度
  • 空间复杂度





CS代考案例:COMPSCI 2201算法和数据结构,80+高分通过

Question 1:

  • A hash function, h(x), hashes a name, x (the hash key), onto a hash value (the index into an array) as listed in the following table. The hash table has a length of 10 (indexed from 0 to 9). The keys are inserted into a hash table in the order listed in the following table.

Show the table contents after insertion with:

i. chaining

ii. linear probing

iii. quadratic probing

(b) In lectures, on insertion into a skiplist we flipped a coin until a head occured to determine the height of an element. So for example, if we flipped two tails before a head then we would insert an element of height 3. In all the examples in lectures the probability of flipping a head was exactly 1/2.

Now assume that the coin is biased so the probability of flipping a head on a given throw is now 9/10. Derive an expression for the probability of producing an element of height h with this biased coin. Describe in broad terms the consequence of this bias in terms of the average cost of insertion into the skiplist.

Question 2

(a) What is the average cost of find on a binary search tree generated by the insertion of the elements:

10, 1, 6, 9, 7, 3, 2, 8, 4, 5

into an empty tree. Show your working. Note, you can give your answer as a fraction (no need to reduce it to decimal form).

  • Prove by induction that a tree with n nodes has n-1 edges. (c) Draw a sequence of diagrams showing the insertion of the values:

[1,3,8,2,7,9,6,4,5] into an empty AVL tree, in the order shown above.

You must:

• Show the resulting tree immediately after each insertion step (that is before any balancing has taken place).

• Indicate the node(s) at which each rotation is performed.

• Where there is a double rotation, show the tree after each single rotation.

• Show the resulting tree after balancing operation(s).

Question 3:

(a) Write pseudo-code for an algorithm that performs breadth-first search of a directed graph: G = (V, E) and prints out all of the nodes visited.

  • The following questions relate to traversals of directed graphs i. The graph-search algorithms shown in lectures always keep track of visited nodes because failing to do so can result in non-termination. Draw a graph that will lead to non-termination of Depth-FirstSearch if we fail to keep track of nodes already visited.
  • ii. Under what conditions can the Single-Source-Shortest-Path problem be solved using Breadth-First-Search?
  • (c) State the storage requirements of a graph with n nodes and m edges using: 1. an adjacency list, and 2. an adjacency matrix briefly justify each answer.


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