人工智能 (AI)、机器人流程自动化 (RPA)、机器学习 (ML) 和认知平台的融合具有潜在的破坏性,以至于世界经济论坛创始人克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 将其称为“第四次工业革命”。
机器人流程自动化是一种新兴的业务流程自动化技术形式,基于软件机器人或 AI 工作者的概念。
- 机器人通过传感器和执行器与物理世界交互。
- 机器人是可编程的。
- 机器人通常是自主或半自主的。
您可以使用 AI 扩展协作机器人的功能。
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics CS 7638代写案例
In this project, you will implement search algorithms to navigate a robot through a warehouse to pick up and
deliver boxes to a designated drop zone area. The template code provides 3 classes, one for each part of the
project: DeliveryPlanner_Part[A, B, C]
• You may share code between part A, B, and C
• Your submission will consist of a single file: warehouse.p
• The weighting for each part is:
–Part A = 40%
–Part B = 40%
–Part C = 20%
•Within each part, each test case is equally weighted.
•Part A and B have opportunities for extra credit. Any extra credit earned in these parts will supplement
lost points in another part. The overall max score for this project is 101% (1% extra credit).
Part A Rules & Costs for Motions
• The robot may move in 8 directions (N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW)
•The robot may not move outside the warehouse. The warehouse does not “wrap” around (it is not
• Two spaces are considered adjacent if they share an edge or a corner.
• The robot may pick up a box that is in an adjacent square.
•The robot may put a box down in an adjacent square, so long as the adjacent square is empty (.or@).
• While holding a box, the robot may not pick up another box.
• There are 4 kinds of motions that the robot can take:
–[cost]: type
–[ 2 ]: horizontal or vertical movement
–[ 3 ]: diagonal movement
–[ 4 ]: pick up box (regardless the direction)
–[ 2 ]: put down box (regardless the direction)
•If a box is placed on the
@space, it is considered delivered and is removed from the warehouse, thus the
@space is still traversable after dropping a box on it.
•The warehouse will be arranged so that it is always possible for the robot to move to the next box on the todo list without having to rearrange any other boxes.
• The robot will end up in the same location when an illegal motion is performed.
• An illegal motion will incur a penalty cost of 100 in addition to the motion cost.
• Illegal motions include:
–attempting to move to a nonadjacent, nonexistent, or occupied space
–attempting to pick up a nonadjacent or nonexistent box
–attempting to pick up a box while already holding one (attempting to put down a box while not holding one)
–attempting to put down a box on a nonadjacent, nonexistent, or occupied space (this means the robot may not drop a box on the drop zone while the robot is occupying the drop zone)