CS代写:COMP3331 Computer Networks and Applications,85%高分通过

什么是Computer Networks?

计算机网络是连接两个或多个计算设备以传输和共享信息的系统。计算设备包括从手机到服务器的所有东西。这些设备使用物理线(如光纤)连接,但它们也可以是无线的。 第一个工作网络称为 ARPANET,创建于 1960 年代后期,由美国国防部资助。政府研究人员过去常常在计算机很大且难以移动的时候共享信息。今天,我们已经从这种基本的网络走了很长一段路。当今世界围绕着互联网旋转,互联网是一个连接全球数十亿设备的网络网络。各种规模的组织都使用网络连接员工的设备和打印机等共享资源。 大型计算机网络的一个例子是城市的交通监控系统。这些系统向官员和应急响应人员提供有关交通流量和事故的信息。一个更简单的例子是使用Google Drive 等协作软件与远程工作的同事共享文档。每次我们通过视频通话、流式传输电影、共享文件、通过即时消息聊天或只是访问互联网上的某些东西时,计算机网络都在工作。 计算机网络是计算机科学的一个分支,涉及计算机网络的构思、架构、创建、维护和安全性。它是计算机科学、计算机工程和电信的结合。

Communication protocols 通信协议

通信协议是所有参与信息传输的节点都遵循的一组规则。一些常见的协议包括互联网协议套件 (TCP/IP)、IEEE 802、以太网、无线 LAN 和蜂窝标准。TCP/IP 是一种概念模型,用于标准化现代网络中的通信。它建议了这些通信链接的四个功能层:


Internet 层:该层负责将数据打包成可理解的数据包并允许发送和接收。



现代互联网结构大多基于 TCP/IP 模型,尽管类似但有七层开放系统互连 (OSI) 模型的影响仍然很大。 IEEE802 是处理局域网 (LAN) 和城域网 (MAN) 的一系列 IEEE 标准。无线 LAN 是 IEEE 802 家族中最知名的成员,更广为人知的是 WLAN 或 Wi-Fi。


计算机网络首次创建于 1950 年代末,当时主要将其用于军事和国防。它们最初用于通过电话线传输数据,但是在商业和科学方面的应用却十分有限。自互联网技术问世以来,计算机网络已成为企业不可或缺的部分。













CS代写:Computer Networks and Applications

Topmask 拥有来自常青藤大学,清华,北大,北航,中科院等计算机专业硕博士生,也有用在互联网深耕多年的程序猿大佬,随时方便提供帮助,尽可能为你解答专业领域的问题,包括计算机作业代写,作业讲解,代码调试,课程辅导等。请随时联系我们的微信客服:maxxuezhang为您排忧解难。

Goal and learning objectives

Zoom and Microsoft Teams are widely used as a method for large groups of people to hold online virtual meetings. A good example is the online Zoom lectures used for various courses at UNSW. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to implement your own version of an online video conferencing and messaging application. Your application is based on a client-server model consisting of one server and multiple clients communicating concurrently. The text messages should be communicated using TCP for the reason of reliability, while the video (you will use video files instead of capturing the live video streams from cameras and microphones) should be communicated using UDP for the reason of low latency. Your application will support a range of functions that are typically found on videoconferencing including authentication, broadcasting text messages to all participants, building a separate room for part of the participants, and uploading video streams (i.e., files in this assignment). You will be designing custom application protocols based on TCP and UDP.

Learning Objectives

 On completing this assignment, you will gain sufficient expertise in the following skills:

1. Detailed understanding of how client-server and client-client interactions work.

2. Expertise in socket programming.

3. Insights into designing and implementing an application layer protocol.

Assignment Specification In this programming assignment, you will implement the client and server programs of a video conference application, similar in many ways to the Zoom application that we use for this course. The difference is that your application won’t capture and display live videos; instead, it will transmit and receive video files. The text messages must communicate over TCP to the server, while the clients communicate video files in UDP themselves. Your application will support a range of operations including authenticating a user, posting a message to the server, sending a private message to another particular participant, reading messages from the server, reading active users’ information, and uploading video files from one user to another user (CSE Students only). You will implement the application protocol to implement these functions. The server will listen on a port specified as the command line argument and will wait for a client to connect. The client program will initiate a TCP connection with the server. Upon connection establishment, the user will initiate the authentication process. The client will interact with the user through the command-line interface. Following successful authentication, the user will initiate one of the available commands. All commands require a simple request-response interaction between the client and server or two clients (CSE Students only). The user may execute a series of commands (one after the other) and eventually quit. Both the client and server MUST print meaningful messages at the command prompt that capture the specific interactions taking place. You are free to choose the precise text that is displayed.


Assignment Exmaple

Recent Case

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