


我们提供美国、英国、北美、澳洲等热门国家的计算机专业代写服务,作业种类涵盖assignment,homework,lab,project和final exam等。我们的导师团队由3000+各类专类学科领域的优秀学长学姐组成,经验丰富,学术能力过硬,专业性强,当然在CS作业代写中,我们在充分了解海外各大院校的最新CS作业信息后,我们会为您匹配最合适的导师,提供一对一专家指导,让你轻松获得高分!

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All of the work should be contained in a Word file, preferably saved as a PDF. You will have to use the Word Equation Editor for the formulae, paste annotated Matlab plots into the Word document, and include Matlab scripts in the document Appendix. You can copy your script from the Matlab Editor window and paste it into Word as it is. Remember that you need to show all your calculations and formula work including the intermediate results. The code must

be suitably annotated with correct and comprehensive Matlab comments. Format, clarity and legibility of the submitted code will be a part of the assessment.


Part 2.

The Aggregated Dead Zone (ADZ) model for solute transport between two locations in a river system at the sampling interval of 1 minute can be defined approximately by the following     discrete-time model:

xk = {1−(0.1+β)} xk-1 +0.1 uk-δ

where xk is the downstream solute concentration, uk is the upstream solute concentration, δ is the advective time delay and β is the decay rate of the solute.

In the calculations assume that the river is initially slightly polluted (x0 = 1 mgl− 1 ).

 Adapt the code we developed in class for several purposes (from the blowfly model to the lake pollution one) to develop a Matlab script which will compute and plot the   response xk to a step input uk of the pollutant at a constant concentration of 15mgl-1;  i.e.

uk = 0 for k <= 0  and uk = 15 for k > 0   ;   k = 1, 2,…, 40.

Make x0 a variable, so that the script is general. What other general features would you include? Hint: you can largely recycle the code we wrote in the class. In the Word document include both nicely formatted tabular and graphics output from Matlab, as well as the Matlab script. The plot needs to be fully annotated, including characteristic points on the plot, using the graphics text() command etc. in the script  (as used in the class).


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