CS 代写:Elementary Programming Concepts EECS 183 编程作业代写

计算机科学是一门包含了各种各样计算机软硬件知识的系统学科,侧重于程序运算,通过C语言、java、Python等编程语言的编写,实现程序、页面的各种功能。CS专业的课后作业远比课程本身的学习繁重很多。而Topmask的编程作业代写服务是解决留学生C、JavaScript、Java、 Python、Go、C#、R、PHP、0C、C++、Swift、 Scala各类编程作业的最佳助手。我们有数千位编程大佬随时在线,他们拥有丰富的CS代码代写经验,不仅能按时保质保量完成作业代写,也能够在代写过程中为留学生提供讲解辅导,真正让同学们掌握实打实的知识。


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编程作业代写案例:Elementary Programming Concepts EECS 183

Multiple Choice
  • Which of the following about C++ classes is/are true?

A. Classes can contain data of different data types.

B. Classes include both data and functionality.

C. You can declare an array that holds elements of a class type.

D. All of A; B, C are true

  • Consider the following function declaration:

void printName(string &name);

Which of the following code snippets contains valid function call(s)?

A. printName(“EECS 183”);

2. Consider the following function declaration:

void printName(string &name);

Which of the following code snippets contains valid function



B. cout << printName(“EECS 183”);

C. string name = “EECS 183”;


D. string name = “EECS 183”;

cout << printName(name);

E. A and C both have valid function calls.

  • Which of the following about C++ arrays is false?

A. Arrays are variables with one name that store a list of data items.

B. The size of an array cannot change at run time.

C. Each item of an array is individually accessible.

D. One array can have elements of different data types.

  • In C++, a class member function with the same name as the class would be described as which of the following?

A. Instance

B. Class

C. Constructor

D. Member variable

E. main function

Consider the following code fragment, which will be used in the next two questions.

ifstream input;


string v/ord;

int num = 0;

while (input >> v/ord && input >> num) {

cout << “Loop Body!



  • What prints if book, txt is opened successfully and contains: Hello 183 Hellol83

A. Loop Body!

B. Loop Body!Loop Body!

C. Loop Body!Loop Body!Loop Body!Loop Body!

D. eof

E. Nothing prints

  • What prints if book, txt is opened successfully and contains: 183 183 183 183

A. Loop Body!

B. Loop Body!Loop Body!

C. Loop Body!Loop Body!Loop Body!Loop Body!

D. eof

E. Nothing prints

Refer to the following buggy function definition which will be used in the next two



* Requires: size > 0 and size <= number of elements of grid

* Modifies: nothing

* Effects: counts the number of capital ‘A’ characters

* in grid for the first size number of elements

* /

int countAs(char grid[], int size) {

int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {

if (grid[i] == ,A’) {




return count;


  • Fixing the error in countAs can be accomplished by replacing the condition in the for loop with which of the follov/ing?

A. i > size

B. i = size

C. i == size

D. i != size

E. Both A and C

  • Given the following declaration, which call(s) to countAs

would expose the bug?

char letters[4] = {‘a’, ‘B’, ‘B*, ‘A’};

A. cout << countAs(letters, 1);

B. cout << countAs(letters, 2);

C. cout << countAs(letters, 3);

D. All of A:B, and C E. None of A. B:or C


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