Sketchpad被认为是第一个图形化的计算机辅助设计程序,是由Ivan Sutherland在1962年在麻省理工学院时开发的,它由一支光笔组成,使用户能够通过协调的图形实时创建和操作工程图中的对象。
现代操作系统和图形用户界面被纳入几乎所有的互动应用中,如自动取款机、自助收银机、航空公司的自助购票和登记、视频游戏、智能手机和台式机。一些流行的现代图形用户界面的例子包括微软的Windows、macOS、Ubuntu Unity和GNOME Shell的桌面环境,以及Android、苹果的iOS、黑莓操作系统、Windows 10 Mobile、Palm OS-WebOS和Firefox OS的智能手机。
The following sections describe each class and Figure 1 below shows an example of the application when it is executed. There is also a video on Canvas under Assignment 1 that shows the execution of the application.
Note 1:When you create the Labels as well as the fx:id’s take note that these 25 correspond to the controller class variables, these variables in the controller classes have been specified in the template. Do NOT change any variable names in the controller classes, otherwise your application will not execute when auto-testing takes place.
Note 2: The window / scene(s) that you develop do not have to be identical to 30 the image provided, and the vertical / horizontal gaps are optional); the words window and scene are used interchangeably.
3.1 Class 1 –
The Student class creates a data structure on which the functionality of the application is built.
3.2 Class 2 –
The StudentData class is a Singleton class that ensures the integrity of the data by including an Observable ArrayList.
3.3 Class 3 – main-view.fxml
The main-view.fxml class creates a structure for the main window / scene, as seen in Figure 1 above.
3.4 Class 4 –
The Controller class is responsible for carrying out the actions when a user 80 interacts with the main-view.fxml scene / window.
3.5 Class 5 – edit-students.fxml
The edit-students.fxml class creates a structure so that a student’s details can be edited (only module choices are editable).
3.6 Class 6 –
The EditStudentController class is responsible for carrying out the actions when a user interacts with the edit-students.fxml scene / window.