人工智能 (AI) 是指在机器中模拟人类智能,这些机器被编程为像人类一样思考并模仿他们的行为。该术语也可以应用于任何表现出与人类思维相关的特征的机器,例如学习和解决问题。
- 反应式 AI使用算法根据一组输入优化输出。例如,下棋的 AI 是一种反应系统,可以优化最佳策略以赢得比赛。反应式人工智能往往是相当静态的,无法学习或适应新情况。因此,给定相同的输入,它将产生相同的输出。
- 记忆力有限的人工智能可以适应过去的经验或根据新的观察或数据进行自我更新。通常,更新量是有限的(因此得名),并且内存长度相对较短。例如,自动驾驶汽车可以“阅读道路”并适应新情况,甚至可以从过去的经验中“学习”。
- 心智理论人工智能是完全自适应的,并且具有学习和保留过去经验的广泛能力。这些类型的人工智能包括可以通过图灵测试的高级聊天机器人,欺骗人们相信人工智能是人类。虽然先进且令人印象深刻,但这些人工智能并没有自我意识。
- 顾名思义,有自我意识的人工智能会变得有知觉并意识到自己的存在。仍然在科幻小说领域,一些专家认为人工智能永远不会变得有意识或“活着”。
人工智能在当今的各种应用中得到广泛使用,其复杂程度各不相同。建议您下一步可能喜欢什么的推荐算法是流行的 AI 实现,出现在网站上或以智能扬声器(例如,Alexa 或 Siri)形式出现的聊天机器人也是如此。人工智能用于预测天气和财务预测,简化生产流程,并减少各种形式的冗余认知劳动(例如税务会计或编辑)。人工智能还被用于玩游戏、操作自动驾驶汽车、处理语言等等。
Midterm Exam代考:人工智能ECS170 代考
For each of the following statements below, indicate whether the statement is true or false, and give a brief but precise justification for your answer. Correct answers with correct justifications will cany 3 points. No points will be awarded for answers without correct justifications.
A. )Breadth-fii st search is complete if the state space has infinite depth but finite branching factor.
B. )Assume that a king can move one square in any of the 8 dii ections in a chessboard. Manhattan distance is then an admissible heuristic fbr the problem of moving the king from square A to Square B.
C.) For a uniform tree of depth 10 and branching factor b. iterative deepening dept-first search will search at most 5 times more nodes than depth-first search. whatever be the value of b.
D.) A* search does bA(d/2) node expansions when searching a unifbnn tree of branching factor b and depth d, using a perfect heuristic.
E.) Consider a unifbnn search tree of depth d and branching factor b. where there are many goal nodes, all of which are unifbnnly distributed at the leaf level d. Assuming that memoiy consumption is not a problem, we are better off using breadth-fii st search than depth-first search in this scenario.
F.) A* search with heuristic h = 0 will always have to search the entile tree before finding the optimal solution.
G.) Suppose A* search uses an evaluation fimction f(n) = (1-w) g(n) + w h(n). For any value of w between 0 and 1 (inclusive). A* will tenniiiate and return optimal solution.
H.) If hl and 112 are two admissible heuristics, and h3 is defined as h3(n) = max {hl(n), h2(n)} , then A* search with h3 is guaranteed to return an optimal solution while expanding as many or fewer nodes than either hl or 112.