计算机作业代写|object-oriented programming 面向对象编程代写

The Problem

Grubsteaks Analytics has collected data about a number of restaurants and customers. They want to use the data to produce a ranking of the restaurants and a ranking of the customers.


The Data

The data is in the form of a table with one row for each customer and one column for each restaurant. In the table, the entry for a particular person and a particular restaurant is 1 if the customer has eaten at that restaurant, and 0 if they have not. The data file is “Customers and Restaurants 2022.txt”. The values on each line are separated by commas. The first line of the file lists the names of all the restaurants. The remaining lines of the file each consist of the name of a customer, followed by a sequence of 1’s and 0’s. If the first value is 1, that indicates that the customer has eaten at the first restaurant in the list of restaurants, etc.

这些数据以表格的形式出现,每个顾客有一行,每个餐馆有一列。在表中,如果顾客在某家餐厅吃过饭,则该人和某家餐厅的条目为1,如果没有则为0。数据文件是 “顾客和餐馆2022.txt”。每一行的值都用逗号隔开。文件的第一行列出了所有餐馆的名称。文件的其余各行由一个顾客的名字组成,后面是一连串的1和0。如果第一个值是1,说明顾客在餐厅列表中的第一家餐厅吃过饭,等等。

Young caucasian female programmer in glasses writes program code on a laptop computer. home office. High quality photo

The Task

Your job is to produce a list of the top 10 restaurants and the top 10 customers, based on a scoring method for restaurants and a different scoring method for customers. assignment 8 – show a little class 2 Restaurant Scoring Each restaurant’s score is equal to the sum of the num.

你的工作是根据对餐馆的打分方法和对顾客的不同打分方法,制作一份前10名餐馆和前10名顾客的名单。 任务8–展示一下类2 餐馆打分 每家餐馆的分数等于n的总和。

Restaurant Scoring

Each restaurant’s score is equal to the sum of the number of restaurants each of its customers has eaten at



Tam, and those 3 customers have eaten at 4, 9 and 6 restaurants respectively, then “The Angry Ostrich” has score 4 + 9 + 6 = 19 For ranking Restaurants, we compare the scores. Ties are broken by length of the Restaurant name. If the Restaurants are still tied, alphabetical order of the names is used to break the tie. The name which is alphabetically later gets the higher rankin.

Tam,而这3位顾客分别在4家、9家和6家餐厅吃过饭,那么 “愤怒的鸵鸟 “的得分是4+9+6=19 对于餐厅的排名,我们要比较得分。平局以餐厅名称的长度来打破。如果餐厅仍然并列,则按名字的字母顺序来打破平局。按字母顺序排在后面的名字获得较高的排名。


Suppose “Sally’s Soups and Salads” and “Mucho Muncho” have equal scores. “Sally’s Soups and Salads” is ranked above “Mucho Muncho” because it has a longer name. Suppose “Corners” and “Grillit” have equal scores. Their names both have length = 7. “Grillit” is ranked above “Corners” because its name would come after the other name in the dictionary.

假设 “Sally’s Soups and Salads “和 “Mucho Muncho “的分数相同。”Sally’s Soups and Salads “排名在 “Mucho Muncho “之上,因为它的名字比较长。假设 “Corners “和 “Grillit “的分数相同。Grillit “排在 “Corners “之上,因为它的名字在字典中排在另一个名字之后。

Customer Scoring

Each customer’s score is the average of the scores of the restaurants at which they have eaten.

Example: Tam has eaten at 6 restaurants. Suppose those restaurants’ scores are {12, 3, 19, 23, 19, 6}. Tam’s score is 82/6 = 13.6666… For ranking Customers, we compare the scores. Ties are broken by alphabetical order of Customer name. The name which is alphabetically later gets the higher ranking. Example: Suppose “Mary Brown” and “Cary Grant” have equal scores. “Mary Brown” is ranked above “Cary Grant” because “Mary Brown” would be placed after than “Cary Grant” in alphabetical order.

每个顾客的分数是他们所吃过的餐馆的平均分数。例子。小谭在6家餐馆吃过饭。假设这些餐厅的分数是{12, 3, 19, 23, 19, 6}。谭的得分是82/6 = 13.6666… 对于排名 客户,我们比较分数。平局是按照客户名字的字母顺序来打破的。按字母顺序排在后面的名字获得较高的排名。例子。假设 “玛丽-布朗 “和 “加里-格兰特 “的分数相同。”玛丽-布朗 “的排名在 “加里-格兰特 “之上,因为 “玛丽-布朗 “在字母顺序上要比 “加里-格兰特 “晚。



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