计算机科学是一门包含了各种各样计算机软硬件知识的系统学科,侧重于程序运算,通过C语言、java、Python等编程语言的编写,实现程序、页面的各种功能。CS专业的课后作业远比课程本身的学习繁重很多。而EssayOne的编程作业代写服务是解决留学生C、JavaScript、Java、 Python、Go、C#、R、PHP、0C、C++、Swift、 Scala各类编程作业的最佳助手。我们有数千位编程大佬随时在线,他们拥有丰富的CS代码代写经验,不仅能按时保质保量完成作业代写,也能够在代写过程中为留学生提供讲解辅导,真正让同学们掌握实打实的知识。
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TopMask提供美国、英国、北美、澳洲等热门国家的代码代写服务,作业种类涵盖assignment,homework,lab,project和final exam等。TopMask的导师团队由3500+各学科领域的学霸大佬成,经验丰富,学术能力过硬,专业性强,当然在CS作业代写中,我们在充分了解海外各大院校的最新CS作业信息后,我们会为您匹配最合适的导师,提供一对一专家指导,让你轻松获得高分!
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4. 准时守时,高效沟通
我们严格遵守due time,保证准时完成,并且您可以和老师直接沟通,对项目了解的更清楚。
5. 完善的售后流程
Data choice. Choose any dataset from the repository that has at least five attributes, and for which the default task is classification. Transform this dataset into an appropriate one to load into your chosen analytics software.
Background information. Write a description of the dataset and project. Provide an overview of what the dataset is about, including from where and how it has been gathered, and for what purpose.
Data description. Describe how many instances does the dataset contain, how many attributes there are in the dataset, their names, and include which is the class attribute.
Include in your description details of any missing values, and any other relevant characteristics. Use appropriate pandas functions to initially analyse the data, for instance descriptive statistics of each attribute, including description of the range of possible values of the attributes, and visualise these in a graphical format.
Initial analysis. You will need to make decisions about which features to include in your dataframe, and how to deal with missing values (if they exist). You might need preprocess the dataset attributes. Useful techniques will include remove certain attributes, exploring different ways of discretizing continuous attributes and replacing missing values. Discretizing is the conversion of numeric attributes into “nominal” ones by binning numeric values into intervals. If you replaced missing values explain what strategy you used to select a replacement of the missing values.