C语言代写|CST8234 C Programming Assignment 代写案例

C 编程语言最初是由 Dennis Ritchie 为 UNIX 操作系统开发和实现的。C 语言非常简单,不依赖于任何特定的硬件或系统。这使用户更容易编写在几乎所有机器上运行而无需进行许多(或任何)更改的程序。

C 语言通常被称为中级计算机语言,因为它结合了高级语言的元素和汇编语言的功能主义。C 编程允许对位、字节和地址进行操作——使程序员可以更好地控制程序的行为方式,并更直接地访问底层硬件的机制。C 是由工作的程序员创建、影响和现场测试的。最终结果是 C 为程序员提供了程序员想要的东西。

C++ 是 C 语言的增强版本。C++ 包括 C 的所有内容,并增加了对面向对象编程 (OOP) 的支持。此外,C++ 还包含许多改进和特性,使其成为“更好的 C”,独立于面向对象编程。

Young caucasian female programmer in glasses writes program code on a laptop computer. home office. High quality photo

什么是C Program?

编程使用称为 C 的语言编写源代码,然后将其编译成可以运行的程序。C 是一种较旧且仍然非常流行的语言,用于在各种环境中进行软件开发。


每个人的学习方式不同,但一定程度的“边做边学”可能是明智的。如今,您甚至可以通过在 Web 浏览器中尝试简单的 C 程序来开始。还有许多视频课程、免费教程、书籍和社区,可帮助您了解如何最好地学习。


C 语言今天仍然广泛用于操作系统、Web 浏览器、办公软件、视频游戏和硬件驱动程序等。由于它编译为本地机器代码,因此通常用于性能至关重要的情况。


有很多不同之处(也有很多相似之处)。C 更老。Java 编译为“字节码”,旨在由任何平台上的虚拟机读取,而不是像 C 那样的本机机器代码(但两者在某种意义上都是可移植的)。


You are to implement a dice game in which the user rolls a pair of dice against the computer. The rules
of the game are as follows:

1) Generate one play. User roll a pair of dice first and then the computer will do the same.

2) The player rolls the pair of dice and sums up the face values. Outcomes:
• If the first roll sum is a 7 or 11, the player wins and return ‘0’
• If the first roll sum is a 2, 3 or 12, the player looses and return ‘1’
• If the sum is other number, player continue rolling the dice until the user get
Point Match (PM). PM is set at the first roll. To win, the player must continue
rolling the dice until him/her either “makes the highest PM” or roll winning or
losing numbers

3) Create a betting amount on each game and carry the sum total of money left using a
global variable. Possibilities:
• Say a user starts the game with some default money and he/she can only
place a bet using multiple of $5
• If the user wins the game, it makes 3 times the bet
• If the user loses the game, it loses all the money he/she has bet
• You can decide if the user is able to place a bet every time it rolls the dice, or
every time it plays a new game.
• The money won can get carried over to the next game
• If the bet money left is 0, the user can not place any more bets.
• When the user decides to finish playing, the amount won should be

The following demonstrates a few executions of the program:


Assignment Exmaple

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毕设代做 | 1对1定制 | 专业√靠谱√包过


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