CS代考:Microprocessor Systems CPT210 计算机代考案例



它使用算术和逻辑单元 (ALU) 执行一些基本运算,如加法、减法、乘法、除法和一些逻辑运算。新的微处理器也对浮点数执行操作。 

  它有一个程序计数器 (PC) 寄存器,根据 PC 的值存储下一条指令的地址,微处理器从一个位置跳转到另一个位置并做出决定。

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Microprocessor Systems微处理器系统代考

CS代考高分案例:Microprocessor Systems

1. What is the function of the program counter? How does a branch instruction differ frommost other instructions in relation to the program counter?

2. A “branch and link” instruction uses a special register called a link register. What is thepurpose of the link register? How does a ‘branch and link’ instruction differ froma simple branch instruction?

3. What is the difference between a logical shift right and arithmetic shift right?

4. Explain why the instruction “MOV r0, #0x00110023” would give an error when executed? How could this value be moved into a register then?

5. Given the following piece of ARM code and also assume a three-stage pipeline:

Assume that the values saved in R1 are always integers ranging from

1 to 8. In 80%of the cases, the values of R1 are 2, 3, 4 and 5 with an even distribution of chances. In the rest 20%cases, thevalues of R1 can be any other integers within the range with an even distribution of chances. Your task:

1. Draw the pipeline diagrams of this ARM program. All cases of R1 must be considered. Please clearly indicate the status of each clock cycle and the number of cycles neededforthe whole process.

2. Optimise the program by rewriting it. In your new program, you are only allowedtochange the value of R8. Explain in details why the new design can reduce the averagenumber of clock cycles and draw the new pipeline diagrams.


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