代码代写:CS Assignment Comp1521 Minesweeper 代写








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代码代写:CS Assignment comp1521 minesweeper

下面是一个扫雷游戏程序的代写,在任何时候,您都可以执行 2 项操作:

  • 标记单元格 – 标记或标记您认为可能是炸弹的单元格,
  • 揭示细胞——揭示细胞。如果它是一个空单元格,那么周围的所有空单元格也会被显示出来。揭开一个装有炸弹的牢房就结束了。


The assignment version of Minesweeper is played on a grid represented by a 2D array of 8-bit ints (int8_t **grid). Each element in the 2D array represents a cell on the grid. For each element in the 2D array, 7 of the 8 bits are used to represent information regarding that cell, as shown in the diagram below.

  • is_marked – 1 if cell is marked, 0 if not.
  • is_revealed – 1 if cell is revealed, 0 if not.
  • is_bomb – 1 if cell is a bomb, 0 if not.

value – number of bombs in adjacent cells, including diagonally adjacent cells. This will hold the value of 0 – 8 as there are a total of 8 adjacent cells. The value 0 represents an empty cell.

You can use bitwise operations to extract or set relevant bits. The relevant masks are #defined at the top of the minesweeper.c file.

By default, the game is played on a 10×10 grid. However, you can change these settings to play on a different sized grid by changing the #include provided. As a brief guidline, the standard levels of Minesweeper are:

  • Beginner: 9 x 9 grid, with max 10 bombs.
  • Intermediate: 16 x 16 grid, with max 40 bombs.
  • Expert: 16 x 30 grid, with max 90 bombs.

Running minesweeper.c

First compile and run minesweeper.c by running these commands:

  • dcc -o minesweeper minesweeper.c
  • ./minesweeper

Once you run the program, you will be prompted for some user input.

  • Number of bombs – number of bombs on the grid. Input should be an integer from 1 to 91 inclusive.
  • Seed – number used to generate bombs on the grid. Different seeds will generate different grids.
  • Debug mode – allows the entire grid to be immediately revealed. Input should be 0 or 1.
  • Username – any string you would like to use to identify yourself. This will be used to keep track of your score, and the running high score.

Playing minesweeper.c

To play the game you need to provide input in the form of action row col, where

action – either 0 for marking, 1 for revealing or -1 to exit the program.

row – row of cell you want to perform action on. This is zero indexed.

col – column of cell you want to perform action on. This is zero indexed.


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