数据结构代写:Data Structures CS225 代写






早期的编程语言——例如 Fortran、C 和 C++——使程序员能够定义自己的数据结构。今天,许多编程语言都包含大量内置数据结构来组织代码和信息。例如,Python列表和字典以及JavaScript数组和对象是用于存储和检索信息的常见编码结构。





同质或异质:此特征描述给定存储库中的所有数据项是否属于同一类型。一个例子是数组中元素的集合,或各种类型的元素,例如在 C 中定义为结构的抽象数据类型或在 Java 中定义为类规范。


CS 225 Data Structures and Software Principle 数据结构代写实例

MC1 Consider the following C++ statements:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int *y;

int x = 36;

//code to be inserted here


cout << x << endl;

return 0;


Which of the following choices, if inserted at the line marked, will result in 37 being sent to

standard ouput?

(a) y = x;

(b) y = &x;

(c) *y = x;

(d) *y = &x;

(e) None of these will give the result we want.

MC2 We need to write our own destructor (instead of using the default one) when.

(a) we have private members that are pointers.

(b) we have private members that are arrays.

(c) we have allocated dynamic memory in our constructors.

(d) two of these three require that we write our own destructor.

(e) all of the above require that we write our own destructor

MC3 Consider the following C++ statements:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void myFun(int * x) {

int *y = new int;

*y = 16;


delete y;


int main(){

int i = 9;


cout << i << endl;

return 0;


What is the result when this code is compiled and run?

(a) Nothing. This code does not compile.

(b) 16 is sent to standard out

(c) 9 is sent to standard out

(d) The address of iis sent to standard out

(e) This compiles fine, but will generate a segmentation fault when executed (runtime error)

MC4 Consider this prototype for a template function:

template <class Item>

void foo(Item x);

What is the right way to call the foo function with an integer argument i?

(a) foo( i );

(b) foo<int>( i );

(c) foo<Item>( i );

(d) foo( <int> i );

(e) foo( <Item> i);

MC5 Consider the following C++ statements:

class Ball {


//constructors and other member functions

void setSameRadius(Ball & orig) const;


int radius;


void Ball::setSameRadius(Ball & orig) const {

radius = orig.radius;


Consider the Ball class and the setSameRadius function shown above. This function is

expected to set the radius of this Ball object to the same value as the radius of the orig Ball


This function: Answer: d

(a) compiles and runs without error but does not perform the desired task.

(b) compiles and runs without error and performs the desired task.

(c) encounters a run-time error.

(d) does not compile because of an error involving setSameRadius.

(e) compiles and runs without error, performs the desired task, but changes the value of


MC6 Suppose we have implemented a queue as a singly linked list with a tail pointer modeled here:

Which of the following best describes the running time of the enqueue and dequeue operations if the rear of the queue must be at the head of the linked memory structure? (nis the number

of elements in the queue.)

(a) O(1) for both enqueue and dequeue

(b) O(n) for both enqueue and dequeue

(c) O(1) for enqueue and O(n) for dequeue

(d) O(n) for enqueue and O(1) for dequeue (e) None of these is the correct choice.


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