- 棘手的问题:设计理论家霍斯特·里特尔和梅尔文·韦伯开发的一个短语,“邪恶的问题”代表定义不明确或棘手的问题,这些问题的解决方案不明确,需要创造性思维或非传统策略来解决。
- 问题框架:通过设计思维,查看问题的方法不止一种。问题不是从表面上看的。相反,它们被重新上下文化并重新解释以找到解决方案。
- 以解决方案为中心的思维:设计思维模型不是专注于问题,而是首先着眼于解决方案,这有助于提高对问题的理解。
- 溯因推理:这种形式的逻辑推理从一个观察或一组观察开始,然后要求您为观察到的问题找到最简单、最可能的解释。这是一种重要的推理方式,用于设计思维来重新构建问题或想法,以找到解决问题或机会的几种方法。
- 问题和解决方案的共同演化:当设计思考者处理一个问题时,他们会在思考问题和寻找解决方案的想法之间切换,以帮助提出更多的解决方案想法。
- 表示和建模:计算机模型和物理原型用于识别有时可能是抽象的需求,并使您的团队能够测试、改进和评估新想法。
- 灵感:这通常是设计过程的第一阶段,在此阶段您将尝试了解问题或机会。您需要建立目标、基准、关键联系点、要求、技术需求,以及您的解决方案或产品如何适应行业市场。
- 同理心:同理心可以说是设计思维最重要的阶段和原则之一。在设计解决方案、产品、服务或硬件时,您需要真正了解客户或最终用户的观点。
- 构思:这个阶段涉及使用发散思维和收敛思维开发尽可能多的想法。您将在发散思维(涉及参与结构化头脑风暴的多元化人群)和融合思维(专注于选择最佳想法以进行贯彻)之间交替进行。
- 实施和原型设计:一旦您建立了一些最佳创意,就可以通过创建可以测试、评估和改进的实际产品和服务来进行建模和原型设计。
IT Assignment 代写,85+高分通过
Question 1
A program that reads in 15 rainfall measurement from a user; and then, calculates the sum, average rainfall, if the measurement readings are valid, i.e. each reading must be a positive number or zero. It also determines the highest and the lowest of the measurements. Finally, it prints out all the results.
Question 2
Develop an algorithm based on your defining diagram from Q1.
Warning: you are not expected to write in any programming-specific languages, but only in the generic structured form as stipulated in class for solutions design.
Your solution will be presented in pseudocode using ONLY the convention prescribed in this unit. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to use repetition structures in your design.
Question 3
A coffee shop pays its employees biweekly. The owner requires a program that allows a user to enter an employee’s name, pay rate and then prompts the user to enter the number of hours worked each week. The program validates the pay rate and hours worked. If valid, it computes and prints the employee’s biweekly wage.
According to the HR policy, an employee can work up to 55 hours a week, the minimum pay rate is $17.00 per hour and the maximum pay rate is $34.00 per hour. If the hours work or the pay rate is invalid, the program should print an error message, and provide the user another chance to re-enter the value. It will continue doing so until both values are valid; then it will proceed with the calculations.
Steps to undertake:
1. Create a defining diagram of the problem.
2. Then, identify the composition of the program with a hierarchy chart (optional) 3. Then, expound on your solution algorithm in pseudocode.
4. A properly modularised final form of your algorithm will attract a higher mark.
Question 4
A used car yard requires a program that reads in a file containing its monthly used car sales records and print a report showing the sales commission owing to the sales staff. Each record contains sales staff ID, name and the sales amount for the month. The commission rate varies according to sales volume, as follows:
The calculated commission is an accumulated amount according to the sales amount. For example, the commission owing for a sales amount of $51,250.00 would be calculated as follows:
Commission = (51250–50000)*17% + (50000–10000)*15% + (10000-5000)*10% + (5000*5%)
Your program will to print the salesperson’s name, sales amount and the commission earned. And then, it proceeds to read in the next sales record. This is continue until all sales records are processed. And finally, it prints the total sales amount and the average sales amount for the month.
Steps to undertake (required for submission):
1. Create a defining diagram of this problem.
2. Then, construct a hierarchy chart to identify the composition of your program. 3. Establish the main function, and
4. Develop the algorithm for each successive module outlined in your hierarchy chart, including your main module.
5. Your algorithm must be properly modularised to attract full mark