CS代考|Web Science for MSc COMPSCI5107


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CS 代考

下面是一个Web Science 作业代做的案例,高分45+/50通过

1. Assume that the BBC recruited you to develop a social media application. The

BBC is interested in knowing their readers’ feelings on the news and other events

covered by the broadcaster. Your job is to develop a classifier. In this context, answer the following questions:

(a) Your first task is to create Twitter datasets with positive and negative statements so that they can be used for estimating the probabilities for words in the respective classes. [Hint: Assuming that you have a social media crawler, discuss how you will automatically label positive and negative tweets; how will you avoid spurious data

(b) Your second task is to develop a lexicon-based automatic sentiment analysis method, which assigns sentiment intensity between [-100,100]. Describe an algorithm that also uses the dataset you created in (i). [Hint: identify a suitable lexicon; identify linguistic cases you may handle; specify a scoring method

(c) Now that you created a sentiment analysis method, you want to verify the method’s validity from a user’s perspective. Design a scalable user-based study to ensure your sentiment scoring method is appropriate.

2. (a) Create a vector representation for the following text. Identify and remove potential stop words. “@AlanStainer @takeitev It’s mad isn’t it. In the UK there are 8k petrol stations with multiple pumps and 25k chargers (increasing by 300 pm). They do know the climate emergency is now right? Not in 30 years’ time, Just asking”

(b) Create all biterms from the following text, “In the UK there are 8k petrol stations with multiple pumps and 25k chargers”

(c) Assume you have developed a topic model on a collection with all your university communications for the last academic year. Design a user-centred experiment to evaluate the interpretability of the model. [Hint: design tasks and justify, selection of subjects, number of users, what will you measure, how do you prove the results

(d) You have collected tweets and newspaper articles from Scotland for the last month. Identify three issues in developing topic models from this dataset. Describe a method to develop topic models from these datasets.

Young girl – female student writes homework from math at home. He writes in pencil in a notebook and counts formulas.


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