数学代写:Algebra MAT062 代数代写,90高分通过

代数是数学的一个分支,它有助于以数学表达式的形式表示问题或情况。它涉及 x、y、z 等变量和加法、减法、乘法和除法等数学运算,以形成有意义的数学表达式。所有数学分支,如三角学、微积分、坐标几何,都涉及到代数的使用。代数表达式的一个简单示例是 2x + 4 = 8。






初等代数涉及解决代数表达式以获得可行的答案。在初等代数中,像 x、y 这样的简单变量以方程的形式表示。根据变量的次数,方程称为线性方程、二次方程、多项式。





Algebra 高分代写案例

a) You are asked to solve a particular problem concerning a simple graph with n vertices and m edges. Three different algorithms A, B, and C are available for solving this problem. In the worst case the maximum number of steps carried out by these algorithms are as follows: A = 2n2 + 10; B = 4m; C = 105 . Using big-O notation, discuss the relative benefits and drawbacks of these algorithms

b) Consider the graph G below, together with its adjacency list.


Starting at v1 show the spanning trees produced by the BFS and DFS algorithms. In both cases, clearly indicate the order in which edges are added to the trees.

c) Prove whether or not the graph in Part b) is planar

d) Let Kn be a complete edge-weighted graph on n vertices. Edge weights are denoted by w(u,v) (where w(u,v) = w(v,u)). You are asked to design an algorithm that will partition the vertices of this graph into k sets such that the sum of the weights across all groups is minimised. That is, given a vertex partition {S1, S2,…, Sk} we want to minimise the cost


Describe an application of the simulated annealing algorithm for this problem. In your answer be sure to describe:

· A method of generating an initial solution,

· Any neighbourhood operators,

· The acceptance criteria,

· The role of “temperature” in the algorithm,

· The differences between this method and the random descent method.

Given a simple graph, give definitions and draw examples of the following: i) a bridge, ii) a cut vertex, iii) a complete graph, iv) a complement graph, v) a simple path.

b) Given a simple graph G = (V, E), let L(v) denote a list of “permissible” colours for each vertex v in V. We are now interested in colouring the vertices of V such that

· Adjacent vertices are always assigned to different colours

· The number of different colours used across the graph is minimal

· Each vertex v is assigned to a colour appearing in its list L(v).

Prove that this problem is NP-complete / NP-hard.

Design a simple greedy algorithm for the problem stated in Part b). In cases where a vertex cannot be coloured, it is acceptable to leave it uncoloured.

d) Consider the problem of sorting a list of n integers. It is easy to check (in O(n) time) whether any arbitrary arrangement is in numerical order. On the other hand, the number of different ways of arranging n integers is O(n!). Does this mean that the sorting problem is NP-complete? In your answer, fully discuss your reasoning.


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